The Classroom

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  1. The Classroom Key
  2. The Classroom Nook
  3. Smart Boards In The Classroom
  4. The Classroom Was A Zoo

Classroom turns your iPad or Mac into a powerful teaching assistant, helping a teacher guide students with iPads through a lesson, see their progress, and keep them on track. With Classroom, you can easily launch the same app on every student device at the same time, or launch a different app for each group of students. Classroom helps teachers focus on teaching so students can focus on learning.

The behavioral classroom management approach encourages a student’s positive behaviors in the classroom, through a reward systems or a daily report card, and discourages their negative behaviors. This teacher-led approach has been shown to influence student behavior in a constructive manner, increasing academic engagement. Register your classroom for this year-long experience below! The Adopt A Cow Program is a year-long virtual experience for students to care for a calf and interact with a dairy farmer. With regular updates from farmers, students learn about the cow and her life cycle—including photos, stories and information about the calf. Controls: Move: Cheat (only usable near the classroom Geek) Author: Luksy. Description: Your mission is simple, cheat on your test. Use the geeks to copy.

What's new in Classroom 2.3 for Mac and Classroom 3.3 for iPad

  • Create and edit classes that sync to Apple School Manager
The Classroom

Learn more about the requirements for Classroom 2.3 for Mac and the requirements for Classroom 3.3 for iPad.

The Classroom Key

Earlier versions

Learn what's new in earlier versions of Classroom for Mac and Classroom for iPad.

What's new in Classroom 2.2 for Mac

  • Access classes set up through Apple School Manager by signing into your device with a Managed Apple ID
  • Use AirPlay to project class details to Apple TV when inviting students to join a teacher-created class
  • Adjust the size of students' screens using Pinch-to-Zoom

Learn more about the requirements for Classroom 2.2 for Mac.

What's new in Classroom 2.1 for Mac

  • Teachers can now hide the current app on student devices, returning iPads to the home screen and Mac computers to Finder.
  • This update also includes bug fixes and performance improvements.

Learn more about the requirements for Classroom 2.1 for Mac.

What's new in Classroom 2.0 for Mac

  • Manage student Mac computers that use macOS Mojave 10.14.4 or later
  • Navigate to deep links in ClassKit-compatible apps

Learn more about the requirements for Classroom 2.0 for Mac.

What's new in Classroom 1.0.1 for Mac

Teachers are no longer prompted for admin credentials when students connect to admin-created class sessions.

The Classroom Nook

Learn more about the requirements for Classroom 1.0.1 for Mac.

About Classroom 1.0 for Mac

Classroom is now available for the Mac and includes the same features as the iPad version.

Learn more about the requirements for Classroom 1.0 for Mac.

What's new in Classroom 3.2 for iPad

  • Access classes set up through Apple School Manager by signing into your device with a Managed Apple ID
  • Use AirPlay to project class details to Apple TV when inviting students to join a teacher-created class
  • Adjust the size of students' screens using Pinch-to-Zoom

Learn more about the requirements for Classroom 3.2 for iPad.

What's new in Classroom 3.1.1 for iPad

  • This update contains stability improvements and bug fixes.

Learn more about the requirements for Classroom 3.1.1 for iPad.

What's new in Classroom 3.1 for iPad

  • Teachers can now hide the current app on student devices, returning iPads to the home screen and Mac computers to Finder.
  • Dark Mode support
  • This update also includes bug fixes and performance improvements.

What's new in Classroom 3.0 for iPad

  • Manage student Mac computers that use macOS Mojave 10.14.4 or later
  • Navigate to deep links in ClassKit-compatible apps

What's new in Classroom 2.3.1 for iPad

  • Improved the reliability of students joining a class session.

What's new in Classroom 2.3 for iPad

  • Compatibility with iOS 12

What's new in Classroom 2.2 for iPad

  • Navigate now offers the option to Lock the student device in the chosen app.
  • New iOS restriction to require teacher consent to leave a teacher-created class from a supervised student device

What's new in Classroom 2.1 for iPad

  • When the teacher ends a class session, a new screen presents a summary of student activity timelines before returning the teacher to the class chooser.
  • Share URLs, documents, images, and more to individual students or to groups using the new drag and drop functionality in iOS 11.
  • Three new Configuration Profile restrictions allow you to set, configure, or force the 'Join Classes,' 'Lock Apps and Device,' and 'AirPlay and View Screen' settings for teacher-created classes to match the behavior of admin-created classes.

What's new in Classroom 2.0 for iPad

  • Create classes within Classroom and invite nearby students to join
  • Share documents and links to student devices via AirDrop (replaces the Classroom Share Extension)
  • Students can share documents and links with their teacher via AirDrop
  • Mute audio on student devices

What's new in Classroom 1.1.2 for iPad

  • Fixed an issue that in some cases prevented Classroom from discovering nearby student devices.

What's new in Classroom 1.1.1 for iPad

  • Improved support for passcode-protected Apple TV devices.
  • Edit a group while in Slide Over or Split View.
  • Filter apps by name in the Open App action dialog.

Learn more about the requirements for Classroom 1.1.1 for iPad.

What's new in Classroom 1.1 for iPad

  • A new Share Extension lets you send links from Safari and other apps via the Share sheet.
  • Navigate to iTunes U courses
  • Add and remove students from teacher-created groups

About Classroom 1.0 for iPad

Assign Shared iPads to students

  • Once configured, Classroom connects to nearby student devices.
  • Classroom intelligently assigns the right student to each Shared iPad based on which device the student used last time.
  • Once students are done, the teacher can easily log them out to prepare each Shared iPad for the next class.

Start, focus, or pause student work

  • Launch any app, website, or book on student devices with a tap
  • Lock devices into a single app to help students focus
  • Lock screens to pause work or refocus your class

See what your students see with Screen View

  • See an overview of all student screens at once
  • Focus on a single student screen
  • Students are informed when their screens are being viewed

Share student work on the classroom Apple TV

  • Showcase the great work your students are doing to the class
  • Use AirPlay to wirelessly present a student’s screen
  • Students are informed when their screens are being presented

Reset forgotten passwords right in the classroom

  • Reset a Managed Apple ID password without calling IT

Organize student devices using groups

  • Classroom automatically creates groups of students based on the apps they are using
  • Teachers can create groups to break students into project teams
  • Perform actions on entire groups or on individual students within groups

Great for use with both 1:1 and Shared iPad student devices

  • All actions take place over the local network only

Technology has always been at the forefront of human education. From the days of carving figures on rock walls to today, when most students are equipped with several portable technological devices at any given time, technology continues to push educational capabilities to new levels. In looking at where educational methods and tools have come from to where they are going in the future, technology’s importance in the classroom is evident now more than ever.

A History of Classroom Technology: The Primitive Classroom

In the Colonial years, wooden paddles with printed lessons, called Horn-Books, were used to assist students in learning verses. Over 200 years later, in 1870, technology advanced to include the Magic Lantern, a primitive version of a slide projector that projected images printed on glass plates. By the time World War I ended, around 8,000 lantern slides were circulating through the Chicago public school system. By the time the Chalkboard came around in 1890, followed by the pencil in 1900, it was clear that students were hungry for more advanced educational tools.

  • Radio in the 1920s sparked an entirely new wave of learning; on-air classes began popping up for any student within listening range.
  • Next came the overhead projector in 1930, followed by the ballpoint pen in 1940 and headphones in 1950.
  • Videotapes arrived on the scene in 1951, creating a new and exciting method of instruction.
  • The Skinner Teaching Machine produced a combined system of teaching and testing, providing reinforcement for correct answers so that the student can move on to the next lesson.
  • The photocopier (1959) and handheld calculator (1972) entered the classrooms next, allowing for mass production of material on the fly and quick mathematical calculations.
  • The Scantron system of testing, introduced by Michael Sokolski n 1972, allowed educators to grade tests more quickly and efficiently.

The pre-computer years were formative in the choices made for computers in the years following. Immediate response-type systems (video, calculator, Scantron) had become necessary, and quick production of teaching materials, using the photocopier, had become a standard. The U.S. Department of Education reports that high school enrollment was only 10% in 1900, but by 1992 had expanded to 95%. The number of students in college in 1930 was around 1 million, but by 2012 had grown to a record 21.6 million. Teachers needed new methods of instruction and testing, and students were looking for new ways to communicate, study, and learn.

The Entrance and Significance of Personal Computers

Although the first computers were developed in the ‘30s, everyday-use computers were introduced in the ‘80s. The first portable computer, in 1981, weighed 24 pounds and cost $1,795. When IBM introduced its first personal computer in 1981, the educational world knew that it was on the verge of greatness. Time magazine named The Computer its “Man of the Year” in 1982, and aptly so: the foundation of immediate learning capabilities had been laid. Time declared, “it is the end result of a technological revolution that has been in the making for four decades and is now, quite literally, hitting home.”

Smart Boards In The Classroom

  • Toshiba released its first mass-market consumer laptop in 1985 (the T1100), and Apple’s infamous Mac (which later evolved into the Powerbook) was available starting in 1984.
  • In 1990, The World Wide Web was given life when a British researcher developed Hyper Text Markup Language, or HTML, and when the National Science Foundation (NSF) removed restrictions on the commercial use of the Internet in 1993, the world exploded into a frenzy of newfound research and communication methods.
  • The first Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) were released by Apple Computer Inc. in 1993, and with that, computers were a part of every day, if not every moment. By 2009, 97% of classrooms had one or more computers, and 93% of classroom computers had Internet access. For every 5 students, there was one computer. Instructors stated that 40% of students used computers often in their educational methods, in addition to interactive whiteboards and digital cameras. College students nowadays are rarely without some form of computer technology: 83% own a laptop, and over 50% have a Smartphone.

The Classroom Was A Zoo

The Future of Technology in the Classroom

It seems like years since MySpace, first introduced in 2003, Facebook (2004) and Twitter (2007) have changed both the communication and business worlds. Instant connectivity has branched out from merely a tool of personal communication, to a platform for educational instruction and outreach. Social media is now being recognized as an accepted form of instruction in some instances, and groups such as Scholastic Teachers provide excellent support and tips for instructors. Many instructors use social media to communicate directly with their students, or to form forum-style groups for students to communicate with each other, and the method seems to be proving valuable in providing one-on-one attention to student’s questions and concerns.

With the classroom having already evolved into a hotbed of technological advances, what can the future possibly hold that could further educational proficiencies even more?

  • Biometrics, a technology that recognizes people based on certain physical or behavioral traits, is on the technological horizon. The science will be used to recognize the physical and emotional disposition of students in the classroom, altering course material to tailor to each individual’s needs based on biometric signals.
  • A second up-and-coming technology is Augmented Reality (AR) glasses, rumored to be on Google’s release list, and this technology could be a whole new world for education. AR Glasses (or even contact lenses) will layer data on top of what we naturally see, to allow for a real-world learning experience. For example, a student wearing AR Glasses could potentially sit at his desk and have a conversation with Thomas Edison about invention. It was Edison, after all, who said that “Books will soon be obsolete in schools. Scholars will soon be instructed through the eye.”
  • Multi-touch surfaces are commonly used through equipment such as the iPhone, but the technology could become more relevant to education through entirely multi-touch surfaces, such as desks or workstations. This could allow students to collaborate with other students, even those around the world, and videos and other virtual tools could be streamed directly to the surface.

Educators and the Evolution of Technology in the Classroom

With the evolution of technology, educational capabilities are growing and changing every day. The Internet is a vast electronic library of information, and both research and instruction can be achieved through a click of the mouse. With these advances come new responsibilities to the instructor and therefore increase the value of a Master of Science in Education in Learning Design and Technology. As technology advances, an educator’s abilities will grow by leaps and bounds, and without the knowledge of these changes and capabilities, an instructor has a good chance of being left behind.

A career in education requires hard work and dedication, but, for the diligent educator, can prove very rewarding. For those who are serious about success in the education field, staying well-informed of current and changing technologies is imperative. As the world of technology evolves, the learning environment, both on-campus and online, will equally progress, and the need for teachers who are educated in technology and design will continue to grow.

Learn more about the online MSEd in Learning Design and Technology at Purdue University today and help redefine the way in which individuals learn. Call (877) 497-5851 to speak with an admissions advisor or click here to request more information.

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