Dominican Republic 2012mac Humanitarian Project

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  1. Dominican Republic 2012 Mac Humanitarian Project Manager
  2. Dominican Republic 2012 Mac Humanitarian Project Proposal
  3. Dominican Republic 2012 Mac Humanitarian Projects

Dominican Republic: Improving Livelihoods along the Haitian Border The Dominican Republic’s border region with Haiti has much higher poverty rates than the rest of the country. The region is also prone to crime and illicit activities that drive violence, instability, and other security threats that impact the Dominican Republic, Haiti,. Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington DC (March 15, 2011) – A U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) medical readiness and training exercise began in Santo, Dominican Republic, on March 6. At the request of the Government of the Dominican Republic, U.S. Army North Atlantic Regional Medical Command along with the Dominican Armed Forces Medical Team conducted.

The civil society-driven Humanitarian Corridors initiative has enabled 54 Syrian refugees to travel to Rome on Friday. This trip marks the end of the second mission of the initiative, which is implemented by different Italian churches.

On Friday (December 18), 54 Syrian refugees arrived at Fiumicino airport outside the Italian capital as part of the Humanitarian Corridors initiative.

Enacted through a protocol from the interior and foreign Italian ministries, Humanitarian Corridors is implemented by the Waldensian Church, the Community of Sant'Egidio and the Federation of Evangelical Churches (FCEI).

The arrivals consist of families who had sought refuge in Lebanon, where they were staying in refugee camps. Among them are single mothers with children and vulnerable youths.

The @nytimes celebrates our 🇮🇹 member @DiaconiaValdese 's efforts to sustain Syrian #refugees within the framework of the Humanitarian Corridors programme. 👏🏾

— Eurodiaconia (@Eurodiaconia) December 21, 2020

They took a COVID-19 test on departure and on arrival, as well as underwent all bureaucratic procedures. Now, the refugees are to undergo a 14-day quarantine.

'Sign of hope'

The arrival of Syrians thanks to Humanitarian Corridors is a 'sign of great hope in the International Day of Migrants,' Daniela Pompei, the head of immigration services with the Community of Sant'Egidio, told ANSA on Thursday.

She pointed out that some people who arrived three years ago through other humanitarian corridors were among the Arab interpreters who helped on arrivals. 'This is ... a model for reception and integration that has worked,' she said.

Since 2016, the civil society-driven initiative has brought nearly 2,700 migrants and refugees to Europe, more than 2,200 of those to Italy.

Having been named the 2019 Europe regional winner for UNHCR's Nansen Refugee Award, Humanitarian Corridors Italy is widely considered a success that's already expanded to other EU countries.

Second mission concluded

Dominican Republic 2012 Mac Humanitarian Project Manager

The arrival of the 54 Syrian refugees concluded the second mission of the Humanitarian Corridors initiative. Like the first mission, the second mission enabled 1,000 people to go to Italy thanks to the issuing of humanitarian visas.

Dominican republic 2012 mac humanitarian project proposal

Dominican Republic 2012 Mac Humanitarian Project Proposal

'We have already asked,' Sant'Egidio's Pompei said, 'to be able to continue for two more years for 1,000 more refugees. Using this model, entirely self-funded, they come safely and then are helped along the entire integration process.'

The Waldensian church is the largest Protestant denomination in italy, which is predominantly Catholic

This year’s clinic focuses on the fallout of the Dominican Republic’s Law 169-14 and the Plan for the Regularization of Foreigners (PNRE) on the Haitian side of the border, including the reasons why any Haitians or Dominicans of Haitian descent fled, were deported or expulsed from the Dominican Republic (DR), as well as the conditions along the border and available support from the Haitian government, civil society, and international actors. Through fieldwork and desk research, the team is analyzing the issue, the relevant international and domestic legal regimes, responses, policies, and programs from the government, international government organizations, private sector and civil society. The resulting report aims to feature this research and make corresponding policy recommendations to the various actors involved. The student team is responsible for all stages of the project: refining the project proposal, identifying key stakeholders (government officials, IGOs, civil society, individuals, etc.), drafting research questions, arranging interviews and briefings, conducting background research on the issues in preparation for the fact-finding trip; participating in the fact-finding trip; outlining, drafting, editing and finalizing the report; and presenting the report to the SAIS Community, general public and media.


In September 2013, the Constitutional Court of the DR issued Sentence 168-13, which altered the requisites of citizenship such that approximately 250,000 citizens of foreign descent were rendered stateless. Due to the volume and history of migration from Haiti to the DR, Dominicans of Haitian descent were particularly affected. Additionally, the sentence called for the PNRE in order to regularize undocumented migrants, a plan of particular significance for the sizable Haitian population. In the following year, after international criticism, the DR government adopted Law 169-14, a naturalization law that aimed to alleviate the harms of the previous ruling. However, the inherent flaws in the structure and implementation of these laws, as well as the socio-political climate, have led to increasing penalization, denationalization and expulsion, deportation and fleeing of individuals to Haiti. Matters are further complicated by inadequate support for these individuals on the Haitian side of the border. As the migration crisis intensifies, there is a crucial need to study it, find methods to alleviate it and better inform the parties who have the power to make active interventions. Moreover, upcoming presidential elections in both the DR and Haiti offer opportunities for change in official policy and dialogue around this issue.

Research Objectives

Dominican Republic 2012 Mac Humanitarian Projects

The primary objectives of this research pertain to exploring and understanding the outcomes and implications of the DR’s Law 169-14 and the PNRE on the Haitian side of the border. This involves investigating the relevant international and domestic legal regimes, responses, policies, and programs from the Haitian government, international governmental organizations, and respective members of the private sector and civil society. The clinic aims to collect information, accurately report on the researchers’ findings and yield policy recommendations with regard to the current crisis in the Haiti-DR border.

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