Facebookteach To Be Happy

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They want you to be happy. They don’t want you to be overwhelmed. Their everyday algorithms are meant to manipulate your emotions. What factors go into this? 𝕄 - Book a free Mindset Review zoom call with me or someone on my team to see if you're a good fit for my new program (Spots are limited): https://maximinds.

Today I’m going to share one simple daily strategy you can easily implement to get your posts seen by more of your friends on Facebook.

Teach this to you team… or share so they can have more of their friends seeing their posts, too!

It’s free. It’s simple. And it’s something we can do with any of our friends.

Everyone we know has one thing in common, no matter how young or how old.

Can you guess what that one thing is?


We all have a birthday. Right?

Did you know that simply sending a Happy Birthday message can increase the amount of exposures that your posts receive?

When you send messages to your Facebook friends and they reply back… Facebook then shows more of your posts to those friends!

Keep reading because below, I’m going to show you how to increase the percentage of responses to your Happy Birthday messages.

Three Tips for Sending a Happy Birthday Message

  1. Message; don’t just post on their wall
  2. Message With Audio; don’t just type Happy Birthday
  3. Message with Audio; singing Happy Birthday – Be Bold!

And as always, I’ve created you a really cool freebie you can download below that will help you to track your daily Happy Birthday messages sent.

Facebookteach to be happy meme

This freebie is only for the serious.

Only for the bold.

Be sure and grab a copy of it below.


“Seek opportunities to show you care.
The smallest gestures often make the biggest difference.”
~ John Wooden

Message Happy Birthday

Most people post on their friend’s walls when it’s their birthday, right?

If you’ll message your Happy Birthday wishes instead of simply posting on their wall, if they reply it will increase the frequency of them then seeing your posts!

So tip #1 is to message, don’t just post on their wall.

Message Happy Birthday with Audio

To increase the percentage of replies you receive from the Happy Birthday wishes you message, use the audio clip when you message Happy Birthday.

At the time of this blog post, audio clips are limited to 1 minute… plenty of time to say, “Hey there Mary! I wish you a very Happy birthday. Hoping your day is extra special.”

I get around a 75% response to my voice clips vs. 50% to my typed messages.

Tip#2 is to use the Voice feature in messenger!

Message Singing Happy Birthday – Be Bold!

If you want to increase your response percentage to almost 100%…

be bold!

***Sing Happy Birthday*** when you message your friends!

Tip #3, if you want to best results possible, is to be bold and use the voice feature in messenger to sing Happy Birthday to your friends!

In my experience, we tend to think we’ve done more than we’ve really done!

Numbers don’t lie.

Grab your “Birthday Messaging Chart” below.

Track the number of HB posts, HB messages sent, HB audios sent and the number of times you send a HB message actually singing Happy Birthday and… track the responses!

My challenge is for you to track your HB messages for 90 days, then you decide if it makes a difference.

And if you REALLY want to up your game, challenge your team to do this with you for 90 days!

Locating Friends’ Birthdays on Facebook

First, be sure you are logged into Facebook, then go to Facebook.com/events/birthdays.

Then you will see Today’s Birthdays, Recent Birthdays (in case you miss one) and Upcoming Birthdays!

I use this when I’m planning my week ahead… so I can note how much time I need to schedule in to send my Happy Birthday messages!

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.

~ Maya Angelou

Dynamic Resources to Help You Build Your Dynasty

Affordable Social Media Scheduler - Click to Learn More

This is the tool my daughter, Jordan and I use to schedule most the posts in our groups and on our personal profiles. It saves us time, allowing us more opportunity to engage with our friends during our blocked time to 'work' our business online.

Global Freedom Community - Click to Learn More

Come join this fast growing community of driven network marketers inside our MLM Freedom Community on Facebook! This free community provides incredible networking opportunities, exclusive free training, and a supportive and encouraging environment to help you grow your business and have a ton of fun along the way!

Feel free to share this with your team if you think it might help them!

Create a team challenge to commit to trying this for 90 days, then let me know your results.

P.S. Let’s connect online! You just might receive a happy birthday wish from me!

Find me onFacebook hereor connect with my daughter and I both on our Boss Babes page!

When it comes to creating company culture that encourages talent and promoting the best from its employees, it requires not just the best from the ones that get hired, but from those that do the hiring and create a long-term company culture. And while Facebook, like many companies, has much to work on when it comes to ensuring that employees and those hired feel that they can do their best.

Facebookteach To Be Happy Hour

In a post on the company's site spotlighting the role of Client Solutions Manager, the Manager for Mexico City, Andrea A., speaks on what she enjoys most about the role.

“The company culture at Facebook is motivating in itself. Facebook's mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. The mission is reflected in what I do on a day to day basis. I'm encouraged to balance my strengths to have the most impact, resulting in finding solutions for the business needs of my clients. People use Facebook to stay connected with their friends and family, discover content and share what really matters to them. It's my job to fuel the platform and facilitate a more open and connected world through providing relevant content to the appropriate audience. Facebook is unique; while it is a technology company, we lead our business with people not code. We start by imagining impactful solutions in which we can improve people's lives and then analyzing what technology we need to fulfill that goal.”


In the end, the perks are an added bonus, but what drives Andrea to do her job well is because her role gives her the freedom to do so. She writes: “At Facebook we believe that ‘Nothing at Facebook is somebody else's problem' — it's yours. I'm tasked with finding creative, innovative and realistic solutions for my clients, even if it has never been done before.”

Facebookteach To Be Happy Birthday Wishes

Though job satisfaction isn't high on the priority list with many job seekers, it is a high wish list component that could make the difference between creating a satisfying work culture and attracting qualified, interested candidates.

Facebookteach To Be Happy Meme

Image via Stocksnap

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